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+82 02-910-4420

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DDPS Lab People

Core members of the lab.


Kyungyong Lee

Associate Professor

K yungyong Lee is an associate professor in the College of Computer Science at Kookmin University. His current research topic covers big data platforms, large-scale distributed computing resource manangement, cloud computing, and peer-to-peer systems. He received the Ph. D. degree in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Florida. At UF, he conducted research about efficient distributed computing resource management with his advisor Dr. Renato Figueiredo in the ACIS lab. Before joining UF, he received B.S. degree from Sungkyunkwan University.


Jeonghyeok Kim

Cloud computing middleware development

Ph.D Students

Jungae Park

Serverless Computing / Edge Computing

Jinyoung Lee

Cloud computing for AI

Yoonseo Hur

Deep Learning Training / Profiling

Master's Students

Kyunghwan Kim

Cloud Computing / Cost Optimization

Junho Lim

Cloud Computing

Jaeil Hwang

Cloud Computing

Seokhyeon Kang

Edge Computing

Sungkyu Cheon

Cloud Computing

Kyumin Kim

Cloud Computing / Data Engineering

Seungwoo Jeong

Cloud Computing

Integrated Bachelor/Master’s Students

Moohyun Song

Serverless Computing / Container Ochestration

Jihun Moon

Container Ochestration

Yurim Kim

Deep Learning Inference

Yongha Bae

Cloud Computing


Jueon Park

Hyunjune Kim

Changwoo Lee

Sungsoo Son

Jeongchul Kim

Myungjun Son

Sungjae Lee

Unho Choi

Jaeghang Choi

Subin Park

Viktoriya Mircheva