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DDPS Lab Publication

Research papers published in conferences and journals


Making Cloud Spot Instance Interruption Events Visible

Kyunghwan Kim, Kyungyong Lee, ACM The Web Conference 2024, WWW, 05/2024


CNN Training Latency Prediction Using Hardware Metrics on Cloud GPUs

Yoonseo Hur, Kyungyong Lee, The 24th IEEE/ACM international Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing, 05/2024


Workload-Aware Live Migratable Cloud Instance Detector

Junho Lim, Kyungyong Lee, The 24th IEEE/ACM international Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing, 05/2024


When Serverless Computing Meets Different Degrees of Customization for DNN Inference

Moohyun Song, Yoonseo Hur, Kyungyong Lee, Nineth International Workshop on Serverless Computing held with ACM/IFIP Middleware 2023, 12/2023

pdf ACM bib

Public Spot Instance Dataset Archive Service

Kyunghwan Kim, Subin Park, Jaeil Hwang, HyeonYoung Lee, SeokHyeon Kang, Kyungyong Lee, ACM The Web Conference 2023, WWW (Demo), 04/2023

pdf ACM

All-You-Can-Inference: Serverless DNN Model Inference Suite

Subin Park, Jaeghang Choi, Kyungyong Lee, Eighth International Workshop on Serverless Computing held with ACM/IFIP Middleware 2022, 11/2022

pdf ACM bib github

SpotLake: Diverse Spot Instance Dataset Archive Service

Sungjae Lee, Jaeil Hwang, Kyungyong Lee, IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC) 2022, 11/2022

pdf IEEE bib github

Dense or Sparse : Elastic SPMM Implementation for Optimal Big-Data Processing

Unho Choi and Kyungyong Lee, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, NO. 1, 08/2022

pdf IEEE bib github

MPEC - Distributed Matrix Multiplication Performance Modeling on a Scale-out Cloud Environment for Data Mining Jobs

Jeongchul Kim, Myungjun Son, and Kyungyong Lee, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, VOL 10, NO. 1, 01/2022

pdf IEEE bib

Accelerator-Aware Kubernetes Scheduler for DNN Tasks on Edge Computing Environment

Jungae Park, Unho Choi, Seungwoo Kim, Jaewon Moon, and Kyungyong Lee, The Sixth ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC 2021 Poster Session), 12/2021

pdf IEEE

S-MPEC: Sparse Matrix Multiplication Performance Estimator on a Cloud Environment

Jueon Park, and Kyungyong Lee, International Journal of Cluster Computing, Springer, 2021, 5/2021

pdf bib springer

Evaluation of Network File System as a Shared Data Storage in Serverless Computing

Jaeghang Choi, and Kyungyong Lee, Sixth International Workshop on Serverless Computing held with ACM/IFIP Middleware 2020, Accepted, 10/2020


Evaluating Concurrent Executions of Multiple Function-as-a-Service Runtimes with MicroVM

Jungae Park, Hyunjune Kim, and Kyungyong Lee, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing 2020, Accepted, 07/2020


Performance Prediction of Sparse Matrix Multiplication on a Distributed BigData Processing Environment

Jueon Park, and Kyungyong Lee, The 8th International Workshop on Autonomic Management of high performance Grid and Cloud Computing (AMGCC'20), Accepted, 07/2020


I/O Resource Isolation of Public Cloud Serverless Function Runtimes for Data-Intensive Applications

JeongChul Kim, and Kyungyong Lee, International Journal of Cluster Computing, Springer, Accepted, 04/2020

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RnR - Extraction of Visual Attributes from Large-Scale Fashion Dataset

Sungjae Lee, Yeonji Lee, Junho Kim, Kyungyong Lee, IEEE International Conference on BigData (Big Media Dataset Workshop), 12/2019


Practical Cloud Workloads for Serverless FaaS

Jeongchul Kim, and Kyungyong Lee, ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing - SoCC 2019 (Poster), 07/2019

pdf github

FunctionBench - A Suite of Workloads for Serverless Cloud Function Service

Jeongchul Kim, and Kyungyong Lee, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing 2019 (WIP paper), 07/2019

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Network Resource Isolation in Serverless Cloud Function Service

Jeongchul Kim, Jungae Park, and Kyungyong Lee, The Fourth IEEE International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems (FAS*W)2019, 06/2019

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Distributed Matrix Multiplication Performance Estimator for Machine Learning Jobs in Cloud Computing

Myungjun Son, and Kyungyong Lee, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing 2018, 07/2018


LSTM Model to Forecast Time Series for EC2 Cloud Price

Sarah Alkharif, Kyungyong Lee, and Hyeokman Kim, The Fourth IEEE International Conference on Big Data Intelligence and Computing 2018, 08/2018


DeepSpotCloud: Leveraging Cross-Region GPU Spot Instances for Deep Learning

Kyungyong Lee, and Myungjun Son, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing 2017, 06/2017

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Time-Series Analysis for Price Prediction of Opportunistic Cloud Computing Resources

Sarah Alkharif, Kyungyong Lee, and Hyeokman Kim, The International Conference on Emerging Databases, 08/2017

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Experiences with Self-Organizing Decentralized Grids Using the Grid Appliance

David I. Wolinsky, Panoat Chuchaisri, Kyungyong Lee, and Renato Figueiredo, International Journal of Cluster Computing, 06/2013

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MatchTree: Flexible, Scalable, and Fault-tolerant Wide-area Resource Discovery with Distributed Matchmaking and Aggregation

Kyungyong Lee, Tae Woong Choi, Patrick Oscar Boykin, and Renato Figueiredo, Future Generation Computer Systems - The International Journal of Grid Computing: Theory, Methods and Applications (FGCS) - Volume 29, Issue 6, 08/2013

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Enabling decentralized microblogging through P2PVPNs

Pierre St. Juste, Huengsik Eom, Kyungyong Lee, and Renato Figueiredo, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 11/2013

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MapReduce on Opportunistic Resources Leveraging Resource Availability

Kyungyong Lee and Renato Figueiredo, IEEE CloudCom 2012, 12/2012

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PonD : Dynamic Creation of HTC Pool on Demand Using a Decentralized Resource Discovery System

Kyungyong Lee, David I. Wolinsky, and Renato Figueiredo, In the 21st International ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC 2012), 06/2012

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CloudBay: Enabling an Online Resource Market Place for Open Clouds

H. Zhao, Z. Yu, S. Tiwari, X. Mao, K. Lee, D. Wolinsky, X. Li and R. Figueiredo, In the 5th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2012), 11/2012

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Parallel Processing Framework on a P2P System Using Map and Reduce Primitives

Kyungyong Lee, Tae Woong Choi, Arijit Ganguly, David I. Wolinsky, Oscar Boykin, and Renato Figueiredo, In the 8th International Workshop on Hot Topics in Peer-to-Peer Systems in Conjunction with IPDPS 2011, 05/2011

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On the Design of Autonomic, Decentralized VPNs

David I Wolinsky, Kyungyong Lee, Oscar Boykin, and Renato Figueiredo, In the 6th International Conference on Collaborative Computing (CollaborateCom 2010), 10/2010

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SocialDNS: A Decentralized Naming Service for Collaborative P2P VPNs

Pierre St. Juste, David I Wolinsky, Kyungyong Lee, Oscar Boykin, and Renato Figueiredo, In the 6th International Conference on Collaborative Computing (CollaborateCom 2010), 10/2010

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